EcoForce Solutions

EcoForce Solutions is the latest addition to the Pratt Group of companies.  EcoForce Solutions is focused on helping home and business owners identify, install, and support the latest in efficiency products and technologies designed to reduce electricity, gas, and water bills while increasing the value and comfort of your property.  A common trait of all Pratt Group companies is a focus on customer experience and quality, resulting in >97% customer satisfaction rates.

The Pratt Group Background

Founded in 1992 and headquartered in Santa Ana, California, with branch offices in San Diego, Los Angeles, Phoenix, and Las Vegas, NV, Pratt Communications is a U.S. western regional provider of telecommunications & security infrastructure solutions. With over 400 Certified Trained Technicians, we install Complete Voice, Video, Data Network Design, Installation, and service for more than 800,000 homes a year in Los Angeles, Orange County, San Diego County, Riverside County, San Bernardino County, and Metropolitan Las Vegas, NV. Customers include some of the largest cable and hotel brands, including Cox Communications, Time Warner, Las Vegas Convention Center, Four Seasons Hotels, Bellagio Casino and Hotel, Mandalay Bay Casino and Hotel, Del Taco, Charter Communications just to name a few.

Customer Experience

Pratt Companies focus on end-to-end customer experience and maintain >97% customer satisfaction as measured by industry heavy weights, including Cox Communications and Time Warner.

Tailored Solutions

No two homes or businesses are the same and Pratt companies tailor our solutions to meet your unique needs and priorities.

Latest Efficiency Technologies

Which technologies will give you the best value and results for your home or business?  Our customized solutions take the mystery out of technology and help you select the solutions that are right for you.

One Stop Resource

Pratt companies have been simplifying our customers projects by providing a true “one-stop-shop” with design, installation, quality service, and maintenance since 1992.


We take pride in the quality of our work and stand by our customers with industry leading customer support.  All of our >400 Experts, Technicians, and Installers go through a rigorous training and certification process.

Service and Support

We maintain a high level of quality assurance and satisfaction for all our customers. Our technical and customer service departments assure continued satisfaction long after installation has been completed.

It all starts with your Efficiency Assessment

Let our Experts show you how to start saving on your Electricity, Gas, and Water bills immediately while increasing the comfort and value of your property.  We’ll even help you identify rebates, tax credits, and financing that’s right for your project. [ninja_forms_modal_form id=2 text_link=”Contact us to setup an appointment…”]

EcoForce is dedicated to bringing our customers the best solutions, technology, and products for their homes and businesses. We provide home and business owners with a one-stop resource to increase the efficiency, comfort, and value of your property.

Kevin Pratt, The Pratt Group